50 state ride for cancer support

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by anonymous, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Our local DMN(3/16/2010, page 1B,3B) contained a story on this
    guy diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, and his motorcycle ride
    through all 50 states.

    Here's his site that will apparently follow the ride progress.

    And, although viewer registration is probably required, here's the
    DMN link.

    Looks like Victory Motorcycles are providing a significant spons-
    orship in support of the ride.

    Considering that Plano is a big trip for me, such a multiple state
    ride is almost unimaginable. The best of safety and luck to him.
    anonymous, Mar 17, 2010
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