A ride report inside a ride report

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. RL

    RL Guest

    Joe and I stopped and filled our tanks, then rode to the west end of town,
    to meet up with the rest of the club members. A good sized group of us left
    out for Abilene before 11a.m. today. It was a nice ride there, not
    unbearably hot and the traffic wasn't too bad. One thing I noticed about
    Abilene's city cops... they seem fairly friendly towards bikers. One waved
    at us and then later, one pulled up along side us at a red light and
    exchanged pleasantries.
    We arrived at our destination at about 12:45 p.m. and had a good meeting.

    Our Chapter helped Chapter 1 take a disabled vet to Washington, D.C., for
    "the Ride to the Wall". Several of Chapter 1's members rode the distance
    and had quite a few stories to tell. Reports were that there was around
    300,000 bikes there. I can only imagine the sound that all those bikes made
    together. Our club members told how they were fairly close to the front
    (just behind "Rolling Thunder") in the parade of bikes, which started at
    Noon, there in D.C. and how at 5:30 p.m., the bikes were still rolling down
    the parade route.
    Our club is planning a return trip next year.

    After today's meeting, we enjoyed Chapter 1's barbecued brisket, sausage,
    tater salad, beans, corn bread and of course, the desserts that our chapter
    provided. Then Blind Terry took his guitar up on stage and played and sang
    for us. He's quite good.

    It was late afternoon when we got started heading back home. When we left
    out this morning, temps were in the 80s. Coming home was a different
    matter. The temp sign at the bank in Albany said it was 101°, at 6:20 p.m.
    That's a degree cooler than my thermometer showed when I got home at 6:50
    p.m. Riding home felt like being inside a hot air popcorn popper. Yep,
    Summer is here.
    RL, Jun 5, 2006
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