California HD Rentals

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CT, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. CT

    CT Guest

    time: late September, for a week
    start: probably SF
    where: PCH, one-way or round-trip? North or South? Not sure yet.
    Probably looking at no more than a couple of hundred miles a day.
    rental places: both the official HD Rentals[1] and Eagle Rider[2]
    look OK.
    which bike: I'm thinking Fat Boy[3] or Low Rider but have
    no experience of anything other than an 883 Sportster.

    I know at least a couple of ukrmers have done something
    similar so any recommendations would be appreciated.

    [3] Well, at least it seems aptly named for me.
    CT, Feb 7, 2005
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  2. CT

    Mikey Guest

    Have rented both Skirtster 883 and Fat Boy from Eagle Rider.
    Really nice people and the bikes looked well maintained.
    Next time will go for the full Electraglide experience.

    I have also rented a proper bike there as well - R1150GS -
    from San Jose BMW. Highly recommended by GS Club folks who
    have been out there is Dubbelju -
    who do BMW, Triumph and Harley rental.

    As for routes. Well, it's all pretty good. Highway 1 is
    a cliche but rightly so.

    Mikey, Feb 7, 2005
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  3. CT

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Eaglerider in SF are a nice bunch of fellers.

    I planned a load of routes and stuff in the autumn. I'll dig them out
    and email them over.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 8, 2005
  4. CT

    sqidbait Guest

    Mikey wrote:
    A must-visit site for motorcycling in California:

    It's a list of interesting rides in the state. The OP
    would be well advised to spend some time browsing about.

    -- Michael
    sqidbait, Feb 8, 2005
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