CG125 slight rattle, is that normal?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tim, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    I've just got my CBT and bought the first bike I've seen and ridden. I
    know that's not really good practice, but CG125 and YBR125 just are not
    coming up that often in my price range.

    It's only after riding it for a good while I've noticed it sometimes
    rattles a little when I'm having to accelerate or give it reasonable
    throttle. I've also noticed that the gear box can whine a little when
    slowing down and you're still in a gear that's too high for the speed.
    Would you say these are reasonable normal for such and old design of
    bike as the CG125?

    2004 CG125 with approx 2500 on the clock. Seems to have been looked
    after and performs as well as I'd expected. Given the reviews saying
    it's pretty much bullet proof, I'm not really expecting any issues with
    2500 miles.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Tim, Jun 8, 2008
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  2. Yes. It's a pushrod engine[1] so can be expected to be a bit noisier
    than the usual OHC.

    Gear whie on the overrun is normal.

    [1] Makes Sign Of Holy Pushrods
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 8, 2008
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