
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog., May 27, 2011.

  1. Hog.

    Hog. Guest

    Gosh, the shit that gets dragged up out of the mind.

    I read that CIX was taken over by an ISP called ICUK on Tuesday. Good lord
    I hadn't heard of or thought of CIX for a decade. I see there is even an
    Android offline reader for the Forums, though of course access is a monthly

    There was a motorcyclicts "bulletin board" CIX:Bikers. A less pikey IRL
    meeting group (the monthly sub). Google suggests it still exists. Are there
    any "Crossover Members". There have been posters with cix email addys.

    Do folks still use the CIX conferences? Perhaps as Usenet has waned it has
    picked up (again)...
    Hog., May 27, 2011
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  2. Hog.

    darsy Guest

    not for a long time, though I was using as an email
    address from about 1989 (prior to that I was stuck with FidoNet and
    JANET) until I became around 1993 or so. I
    didn't get a "real" email address until the Genesis Project's ISP
    offering in Belfast around '95.
    darsy, May 27, 2011
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  3. Hog.

    Kevin Guest

    I've been on CIX for years. CIX:Bikers was a bit like this place for
    quite a while but traffic has dropped off a lot in recent times.
    Perhaps it'll pick back up again[1] under the new management which I
    see as a positive step.

    [1] Although I hope the b4stard who sold me a GS [2] in 2008 with a
    gearbox that expired in about 3 hundred miles doesn't come back.

    [2] Thought process: I know it makes a funny noise but I know nothing
    about GS' and when I queried it he said they all do that. He's a
    police officer, he's a member of CIX:bikers which is a small community
    and I've been on there for years so he's not going to rip me off is
    he. [/tp] He did and I'm less naive now.

    Kevin, May 27, 2011
  4. Hog.

    Hog. Guest

    You see, the problem was evident from the outset
    I might run a book on whether Wun is a member of CIX VFR
    Hog., May 27, 2011
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