FS: Arai Helmet Pin head size

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by NIgel W, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

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  2. NIgel W

    Uncle Bully Guest

    "This helmet is in immaculate original new condition and has been stored in
    my wardrobe for the past 5 years. It is fully Snell and AS1698 compliant.
    I raced in this helmet 3 times and it has never been dropped and is
    structurally as new. "

    The reason they stamp dates on helmets is because they do not last forever.
    The foam inside the helmet hardens and becomes useless after about 5 years
    so structurally it is as useless as it gets.
    Uncle Bully, Jun 7, 2004
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  3. NIgel W

    R1100Smee Guest

    there is a site called aus.adsforsale
    you are close to being a spammerbitch
    R1100Smee, Jun 7, 2004
  4. On 7/6/04 7:46 PM, in article
    Is that right?

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Jun 7, 2004
  5. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    Get a big black dog up u mate

    NIgel W, Jun 8, 2004
  6. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    Oh really? Wat so the old crap unused helmets lying around some dodgy bike
    shop are going off? Jeez, next thing u know, u guys will telling me helmets
    shd have a use by date and a nutrition panel. Check the bid price now smart
    NIgel W, Jun 8, 2004
  7. NIgel W

    smack Guest

    that'd be a big black underdog up him

    smack, Jun 8, 2004
  8. NIgel W

    FuTAnT Guest

    Take your own foot and kick yourself in the nuts ... oh yeah, and grab $3.50
    out of your wallet at the same time

    '03 954
    FuTAnT, Jun 8, 2004
  9. NIgel W

    R1100Smee Guest

    What did my mate do to upset the dog?
    R1100Smee, Jun 8, 2004
  10. NIgel W

    conehead Guest

    I'd rather have a 5-yo unused helmet than Nakano's 'only worn once, on a
    Sunday' helmet.
    conehead, Jun 8, 2004
  11. NIgel W

    Uncle Bully Guest

    So you've proved that there are idiots on ebay...

    Here's what the people who make the helmets say:

    Here's what the poeple who test the helmets say:
    Uncle Bully, Jun 8, 2004
  12. NIgel W

    Nev.. Guest

    They both agree that wearing a helmet and exposing it to the elements may
    cause it to deteriorate. How do you apply that to an unworn helmet stored in
    a cupboard?

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jun 8, 2004
  13. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    I would prefer to rely on the Australian Standard as the guide for helmet

    If it dont say in the standard replace after 5 years, then there is no
    reason to believe that there is any need to replace in any given timeframe.
    Interesting to note that one of the references provided is from a helmet


    No doubt they have a vested interest in making you buy more helmets. With
    regard to the Snell reference, if this is such a good source of information
    about helmets, why was the Snell Standard superceded by the Australian

    The reference provided specifically says:

    "The five year replacement recommendation is a consensus position from both
    the helmet manufacturers and the Snell Foundation"

    Oh, a consensus position? And perhaps some cash for comment? Jeez, how
    vague could it be. C'mon stop flogging the lies and urban myths of helmet
    deterioration and learn to be crictical of all published information. How
    many of you guys would believe a tyre needs to be replaced every 5000km coz
    some tyre manufacturer said so.

    Noone is askin you to buy my helmet, even tho there are plenty of pin heads
    posting to this group.
    NIgel W, Jun 8, 2004
  14. NIgel W

    sharkey Guest

    I wouldn't. That's not what it is for. AS1698 defines some
    limitations on the design of helmets (limitations on rigid
    projections inside and out, mainly); a testing procedure
    used to test a sample of helmets; and some marking requirements.

    "1 SCOPE. This Standard specifies requirements for
    protective headgear for vehicle users, as designed to
    mitigate the adverse effect of a blow on the head. The
    Standard is written with particular reference to motor
    cyclists, but is equally applicable to users of other
    types of vehicle."

    It doesn't _specify_ materials, although Appendix A _suggests_:

    The following material characteristics are recommended:
    (a) Known not to undergo appreciable alteration under the
    influence of ageing, or the circumstances of use to which
    the helmet is normally subjected, such as exposure to
    sunlight, extremes of temperature, and rain. Ultraviolet
    inhibitors should be used where necessary.
    (b) For parts of the helmet coming into contact with
    the skin or hair, known not to undergo appreciable
    alteration arising from contact with perspiration or
    skin or hair toiletries.
    It also doesn't say in AS1698 that you shouldn't tumbledry your
    helmet, or that you should wear it on your head.

    ------sharko (six year old Shoei ...)
    sharkey, Jun 9, 2004
  15. Try replying the correct person, next time. It makes you look, not so dumb.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Jun 9, 2004
  16. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    Dead right mate, my point exactly, no reason to believe that helmets
    deteriorate after 5 years either. I am yet to see any substantive evidence
    that they do.
    NIgel W, Jun 9, 2004
  17. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    Thanks for your wizened advice, I was posting on a thread and not
    specifically to you.
    NIgel W, Jun 9, 2004
  18. Then learn to attribute you newbie dumbarse.

    Frugal monster, Jun 9, 2004
  19. NIgel W

    Nev.. Guest

    Just so long as your head keeps getting fatter at the same rate at which the
    padding and the lining deteriorates you'll be fine :)

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jun 9, 2004
  20. NIgel W

    NIgel W Guest

    As if

    NIgel W, Jun 9, 2004
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