How Do I clean the crud out of exhause pipes, '83 shadow VT500C?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by mike, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    How Do I clean the crud out of exhause pipes, '83 shadow VT500C?

    There was nothing coming out of one of the exhaust pipes.
    I pulled it off and banged on it. Lots of rust and junk
    came out, but it's still plugged. Tried drilling out the
    spot welds so I could take it apart, but that's some hard stuff.
    Is there anything I can do to salvage the pipe?

    Thanks, mike
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    mike, Jul 21, 2004
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  2. mike

    Dwarf8 Guest

    Use a grinder or dremel to cut the welds.
    Replace the mufflers.
    If they are deteriorated to the point that the falling crud inside blocks
    the pipe, they need to be changed.
    You can frequently get cheap or even free ones from your local Harley dealer
    as every new owner wants aftermarket pipes installed. A flange or spacer and
    a little bodging and away you go. :)
    Dwarf8, Jul 21, 2004
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  3. I'd be really surprised if there's enough crud built up in a Honda
    four-stroke pipe to block it. Honest.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 21, 2004
  4. mike

    mike Guest

    Honesty is good...

    Well, there's nothing coming out of the left one. When I remove it,
    there's plenty of exhaust coming out of the open pipe.
    If it's not blocked, why can't the exhaust get thru it?

    When I replace the exhaust pipe/muffler with a different one, exhaust
    does come thru it.

    Please present your alternative theory and suggest how I fix that
    problem. My feeble mind needs help understanding.

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    mike, Jul 21, 2004

  5. I just can't see how it can be blocked unless someone thrust a rag or a
    potato up it. Are you *sure* nothing's coming out?

    A mate has just suggested, if the bike has been laid up, a mouse might
    have built a nest in it. It happens....
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 21, 2004
  6. mike

    mike Guest

    At least one of us is very stubborn ;-)
    At lest one of us doesn't remember the construction of the pipe in
    question. And since I'm holdin' it in my hand, I think...

    There's a concentric ring about an eighth of an inch all around the
    circumference for the output. Maybe a spider got in there, but there
    surely ain't no mouse nest in there.
    There are multiple sections of concentric
    pipes with (plugged) holes in 'em.
    Yes I AM sure there's nothing coming out.
    I've been driving it for 18 years.

    It is possible to shove a welding rod up the slot and dislodge enough
    gunk to get a small amount of flow.


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    mike, Jul 23, 2004
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