Idle will not go below 4000 RPM

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by vasco, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. vasco

    vasco Guest


    I am trying to fix my Suzuki GS 450 LJ and ran into a problem that I

    can't seem to figure out.
    My idle won't go below 4000 RPM. I tried tweaking the RPM with the
    throtle stopper screw and the carbs, but I can only make it higher (I
    got to 6000 RPM and I gave up) but I can't make it work at the normal
    1000-1350 RPM.
    Any suggestions? What should I look for?


    vasco, Aug 15, 2005
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  2. Most likely a problem with the cable or return spring. Possibly
    a twistgrip or mixture problem, but unlikely unless they've been
    worked on recently.

    Back off the stopper screw.

    Inspect the cable for fraying and to make sure the ends
    are seated correctly.

    If this is a CV carb with a butterfly valve, try pushing
    on the carb lever where the cable connects to see if you
    can close it further.

    Inspect the return spring to make sure it's in place and
    working properly.

    Inspect the throttle slide to make sure it travels freely.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 16, 2005
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  3. vasco

    vasco Guest

    Thank you for your answer. The cable was too tight, it needed to have
    some slack. Seems fine now.

    vasco, Aug 16, 2005
  4. Glad to hear it.

    That whole assembly deserves an occasional inspection to make
    sure it's still working right and that there are no frayed wires
    which could cause it to stick open. Depending on the cable type,
    some are lubed periodically while some with plastic linings are
    not. It's an easy maintenance task that's worth becoming familiar
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Aug 16, 2005
  5. vasco

    Butch Guest

    hi vasco,
    you need to adjust the throttle cable linkage. Should be adjustable
    just below the throttle on the handlebar. And, you may have an
    ajustable coupling inline about 1/2 way down the throttle cable.
    Butch, Aug 18, 2005
  6. vasco

    Dan Dunphy Guest

    Sounds like sticking advance weights.
    Dan Dunphy, Sep 20, 2005
  7. vasco

    fweddybear Guest

    Sounds like sticking advance weights.
    Look for something that is binding... maybe take a look at the throttle
    body and see if the butterflies are opening and closing properly....

    fweddybear, Sep 21, 2005
  8. I think he found the problem a week or two ago and it was
    a sticky or badly adjusted cable.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Sep 21, 2005
  9. On a bike with electronic ignition?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 21, 2005
  10. BMW airhead for one.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Sep 21, 2005
  11. Really? Blimey.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 21, 2005
  12. The airhead ignition canister dates from the early '80s
    and may occasionally need to be disassembled, lubed,
    or otherwise fiddled with. Spinning magnet with a
    centrifugal advance passing by a Hall effect sensor.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Sep 22, 2005
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