Learner rider nabbed speeding at 153km/h

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Nev.., May 6, 2009.

  1. Nev..

    Nev.. Guest

    A learner motorcylist has had his bike impounded after he was caught
    speeding at nearly twice the legal limit in Melbourne's outer east this

    The 19-year-old male from Bayswater was clocked travelling at 153 km/h
    in an 80 km/h speed zone in Wantirna.

    The teen's learner permit also meant he was prohibited from riding the
    high-powered bike he was on.

    Leading Senior Constable Mark Dewey was on an unmarked motorbike when he
    pulled over the rider outside the Knox Shopping Centre complex on Stud Road.

    The teen's motorbike was later confiscated under anti-hoon laws.

    "This is a bloke that shouldn't be on the road and we've been able to do
    something about it with the use of the unmarked solo (motorbike),"
    Leading Senior Constable Dewey said.

    "The message to irresponsible drivers is you will never know who we are
    and where we are."

    The teenager will be summonsed at a later date to appear at the Ringwood
    Magistrates Court.


    (Sorry Biggus, I know verbatim cutting and pasting entire articles from
    the Melbourne newspapers is your job.)

    '07 XB12X
    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., May 6, 2009
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  2. Accentuate the positive:

    1) He was pulled over on Stud Road (that's gotta count for something).
    2) He meekly stopped instead of trying to do a runner.
    3) Whoever lent him the machine he was riding is now bikeless - 2
    dickheads de-wheeled for the cost of one nab.

    A small amount of surgical snipperage now could conceivably [1] prevent
    a repetition 20 years down the track.



    [1] What? Come on. I've seen *thousands* of really bad puns in here over
    the years. That was mild.
    Andrew McKenna, May 6, 2009
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  3. Nev..

    bt Guest

    You should be ashamed of yourself - you never pointed out that he must
    have been stuck in 2nd!

    bt, May 7, 2009
  4. Nev..

    Marts Guest

    Nev.. wrote...
    Er, OK, that you were out of line taking over Biggus's job...
    Marts, May 13, 2009
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