Marmite banned

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, May 24, 2011.

  1. wessie

    wessie Guest

    wessie, May 24, 2011
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  2. wessie

    Mups Guest

    Mups, May 24, 2011
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  3. wessie

    ts Guest

    Why does the manufacturer have to add vitamins, if *Marmite* - and not
    the added vitamins - is good for you?

    I cannot see anything wrong with the Danish legislation, which is
    intended to favour products with *natural* vitamin content.
    ts, May 24, 2011
  4. wessie

    ogden Guest

    Post corrected.
    ogden, May 24, 2011
  5. wessie

    Tosspot Guest

    I thought that. Don't we (somebody) add vitamins to bread?
    Tosspot, May 25, 2011
  6. wessie

    Catman Guest

    AIUI breakfast cereals have to have added vitamins by law in the UK, and
    maybe the US (ICBW as ever)

    It's all very odd.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    116 Giulietta 3.0l Sprint 1.7 GTV TS GT 3.2 V6
    Triumph Sprint ST 1050: It's blue, see.
    Catman, May 25, 2011
  7. heard this morning - too much Vit A can be bad for pregnant women. Not
    that Marmote has any but hay ho. Also too much vitamin C can be bad
    for you - my grandad died when a crate of oranges fell on him - coat,
    door, see ya.


    Spinning Spanners, May 25, 2011
  8. wessie

    Scraggy Guest

    Scraggy, May 25, 2011
    back to the boats, May 25, 2011
  10. wessie

    ts Guest

    About 70 years later the general knowledge of nutrition and vitamins is
    slightly better, perhaps?

    Bread/margarine was in those days staple food, which could ensure
    adequate vitamin supply to the general public. Marmite is not; if the
    manufacturer and/or distributor promote it for its artificial vitamin
    content they may have missed a point why (some) people love it - ?
    ts, May 25, 2011
  11. wessie

    Thomas Guest

    They're not the only ones.
    Thomas, May 26, 2011
  12. wessie

    Spete Guest

    Spete, May 26, 2011
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