Need Wiring Diagrams for 1983 and 1985 Honda Shadow VT500C

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by mike, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    My '83 shadow engine died, so I'm gonna mix and match
    parts from an '85 shadow and an '83 shadow into an '84 frame.
    My manual only goes up thru 1984, and they changed the electrical
    wiring significantly in 1985. I'm trying to decide which
    wiring harness would require the least amount of modification.

    I need a readable scan of the wiring diagram for the 1985 VT500C.

    Would also be easier to follow if I also had a scan of the 1983 VT500C
    from the same vendor/layout/symbology...but that's not critical.

    Yeah, I know I shoulda asked before I took everything apart and learned
    that you have to put the wiring harness on first.... Grrrrr...
    I've got stuff all over the garage floor.

    Thanks, mike
    I can supply a different email address that can take up to 10 megabyte
    files if necessary.
    mike, Jul 4, 2006
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