New Years Day meet

Discussion in 'Classic Motorcycles' started by ROBERT TAYLOR, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. For all you motorcyclists that live in the south west on New Years Day
    lunchtime we shall be meeting at the Daneway Inn, GL7 6LN
    Downhill from the village
    Tel. Cirencester (01285) 760297
    This has been a regular meeting place now for a number of years and has
    become an institution with both classic and modern bikes, the pub does a
    fine trade in bacon butties and other assorted sandwiches / plowmans etc etc
    washed down with a pint of your favourite tipple.
    So if you can make it and many do coming from the continent as wel bel there
    and have a good old chat and admire the fine array of vintage and modern
    Happy New Year.
    Rob T
    ROBERT TAYLOR, Dec 18, 2003
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  2. <schneep>

    On New Year's Day, we'll be in Edinburgh, staying with one of Sarah's old
    boyfriends, who has probably more motorcycles in his garage than you'll have
    in your pub.
    pseudoplatypus, Dec 19, 2003
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    Hog Guest

    How quaint. Does he pot the pink or the brown.
    Hog, Dec 19, 2003
  4. Probably.
    pseudoplatypus, Dec 19, 2003
  5. bikes turned up last year at the Daneway.
    Perhaps your friend should open a museum and not hog all these wonderful
    machines to himself.
    ROBERT TAYLOR, Dec 20, 2003
  6. Heh. Yeah, but how many of these three hundred bikes were *in* your pub?
    pseudoplatypus, Dec 21, 2003
  7. OK OK so no "mechanical" bikes made it into the pub but many bikers did,
    (although there may have been the odd bike amongst them) and a good time was
    had by all.
    ROBERT TAYLOR, Dec 21, 2003
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