
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Chris, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    im really upset now :( fed ex emailed me and told me it would cost about
    500 dollars to ship the motorcycle from austin to norman oklahoma. I really
    wanted that bike, it would have been my first, now ill have to probably wait
    untill im 16 to get my first bike and im gonna have to pay a few hundred or
    maybe a few thousand. I dont want to have to wait that long :( Its hard
    to pass up that deal! if anyone could help me plz do so i would appreciate
    it very much and i really really want this bike. if someone helps maybe i
    could give you some things in return because i have not much money but i
    have alot of items worth alot of money for ex. I have 700 dollars worth of
    hot wheels toys ive had since i was about 7. and I have about 300 dollars in
    baseball cards that i collected since i was 11. If someone could help out
    maybe i could give you those as pay back or something because im praying to
    jesus that i get that bike!

    plz someone plz!

    god bless you~~~!!!
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
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  2. Chris

    Chris Guest

    Which company shipped it? plz tell me!

    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
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  3. Chris

    Chris Guest

    omg i think im saved i found one for 250.00 i still dont have that much
    money but it wont take as long to earn it...

    Estimated Door to Door Shipping Cost:
    Motorcycle from 73301 to 73069

    Open Trailer Transport: $250
    Enclosed Trailer Transport: $290
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
  4. If only I had a truck!! I drive through Norman, OK at least once a month to
    visit family in Kansas. Sadly, no truck, but I hope you get it, and have

    '03 GSXR600
    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  5. Chris

    Chris Guest

    omg do u like have a trailer or something to pull it with i would give u 50
    dollars if u brought it!!! because i can pay 50 dollars but i cant really
    pay 250 or 300 and the 250 is only an estimate...
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
  6. Sorry, no, I don't have a trailer as I drive a Camaro. Let me ask around, I
    may be able to find someone with a truck that is willing to go with me.

    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  7. Chris

    Chris Guest

    awesome i would be so thankfull and give u 50 bux and i would love it very
    much!!! thanks!!! (can i trust you??? you wont keep it will you??)
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003

  8. It would be my pleasure to help you out. And don't worry about the $50, I am
    going through there anyways. I won't keep it, nowhere to put it, as I am
    going to Korea in a few months (in the army, they are making me go).

    (Signature in previous post should have read '03 GXSR600 in a few months)
    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  9. Well, I don't know about promising on my life, but how about on my honor as
    a United States Soldier? And I would much rather see you keep your money to
    put to use on the bike, I am serious when I say I am passing through
    anyways. Besides, I like to help people out when I can.

    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  10. Chris

    Chris Guest

    okay but how do i know ur a us soldier? send me an email
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
  11. on its way...
    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  12. Chris

    Chris Guest

    okay r u going to email me at thanks
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
  13. thats where i sent it.
    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  14. Chris

    Chris Guest

    i didnt get it
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
  15. I just sent it again
    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  16. Chris,

    Check your e-mail for info.

    Robb in Austin
    Robb in Austin, Jul 11, 2003
  17. First you Sunny: It is my privilege and honor to serve, and I do so
    willingly. Secondly, Stephen, if I can get a freind of mine to go, we will
    just put it in the back of his truck. He has a new Dodge Ram 1500, so lots
    of room in the back!! =D

    Benjamin Gilbert, Jul 11, 2003
  18. Chris

    Chris Guest

    ben and everyone i really appreciate this thanx!!!

    ben plz send me that pic of mil. id thanx...
    Chris, Jul 11, 2003
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