"Pin-Loc" and nolan helmets

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    OK I have a Nolan N102. When I got it the anti fog insert wasn't with it
    but I was given one and it was fitted for me. Anyway all's been great -
    no fog where the insert is.

    Anyway this arvo I took the opportunity to clean it all - I took the
    insert out and washed it all gently in cool water dried it all off then
    reassembled it.

    Anyway less than 1km from the house later on I fogged up.

    It's been on the kitchen table half an hour airing but I don't feel like
    putting the insert back in if there's no point. The 'insert' as I call
    it anyway is a small clear sheet of what appears to be the same plastic
    as the main visor is made of, that sits just inside the main clear visor
    and locks on the two small pins at the edges of your peripheral vision.
    I don't mean the VPS (shaded mini visor that's raised and lowered

    My question boils down to - does that insert have some sort of coating
    I've washed off and I may as well order a new one, or does it just need
    a 'thorough wipe down' and reassembling ?
    Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007
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  2. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Man I hate my ISP sometimes. Sorry if you get this doubled.
    Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007
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  3. Yeebok

    bikerbetty Guest

    Hey Yeebs, is there a sort of silicone beading on one side of the "insert"?
    Did you put the insert back in the right way after you washed it? (I know
    that sounds really dumb, but just had to ask anyway....) I was talking to
    someone the other day who was explaining how the pin-lock system works - but
    I use a (fabulously wonderful!)HyperOptics Fog City on my Nolan, and haven't
    ever had one of the proper Nolan pin-lock thingies.....so it didn't seem all
    that meaningful at the time....but now I'm curious!

    bikerbetty, Aug 4, 2007
  4. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Thanks Betty ;) I think I'll assemble it and wear it for a tad to see
    how it goes - if it's foggy I'll flip the insert (doesn't *look* like it
    matters but worth a check) and try again.

    One way or the other I'll find out :)
    Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007
  5. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    OK I feel like a dickhead sat here (anyone got a spare one?) but after
    re-assembling, installing the insert so the writing's readable from the
    inside of the helmet, and sitting at the PC doing 5 or so minutes of
    mouth breathing.. I've flipped up the visor since there's no visible fog
    and lo and behold - there's lotsa fog where the insert *isn't*. Clear as
    a rather clean visor where it is. While I've been typing it hasn't
    fogged at all. Admittedly sitting at the PC isn't exactly riding
    conditions but then again I don't usually breathe through my mouth when
    riding either 'coz it fogged up quicker before I got the insert .. ;)

    Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007
  6. Yeebok

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I think he was wearing a Nolan helmet when he sang Funky Cold Medina.
    Knobdoodle, Aug 4, 2007
  7. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Not quite .. but .. I go all MC Hammer on the kids when they go near it
    ... "Can't touch this" ..
    Yeebok, Aug 4, 2007
  8. Yeebok

    will_s Guest

    Have the same helmet but the side cover ( covering the mechanism ) fell off
    whilst riding so just be careful that its put back on securely.
    will_s, Aug 5, 2007
  9. Yeebok

    the big dog Guest

    Yeah, I lost a side pod the same way when I installed the pinloc anti
    fog insert. costs $40 - $50 bux to replace. I suppose that beats
    treefiddyanakickinnanutz though.
    the big dog, Aug 5, 2007
  10. Yeebok

    will_s Guest

    Well for $50 for a little bit of plastic it can collect dust in the corner
    will_s, Aug 5, 2007
  11. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Completely fog free is *nearly* worth it. Sides remained on today - just
    put about 200km in :)
    Yeebok, Aug 5, 2007
  12. Yeebok

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Wash it??

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 6, 2007
  13. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Yeah I washed it - doused thoroughly in windex both sides, wiped it all
    down, rinsed in a-bit-warmer-than-tepid water and then dried carefully +
    assembled, then cursed at, then re-done with an addition hour's drying
    time inserted before assembly and a little more care taken on the manual
    drying. If there was a silicone layer on one side there certainly isn't
    now.. it'd be all over the cloths I used.

    Works good as it did.
    Yeebok, Aug 6, 2007
  14. Yeebok

    Nev.. Guest

    I found one downside to the Nolan N102 anti-fog insert. While riding
    from Bellingen to Coffs Harbour a few months ago in steady rain, some
    rainwater must have got in between the visor and the insert. It didn't
    obscure my vision, but it altered the optics of the visor and made it
    difficult for my eyes to focus and started to give me a headache as a
    result. Fortunately I was only a few km from the motel I was staying at
    so I just put up with it... otherwise I'd have stopped and removed the

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Aug 6, 2007
  15. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Put it this way now, I *never* have the visor up unless I *want* to
    catch a face full of bugs. Before the insert was fitted, it was 7 or 8
    times a trip (faceful of bugs, not just opening the visor)..

    Definitely worth the hassle. Next time I need to worry about the insert
    is next time the kids get near it (or I get really bored).
    Yeebok, Aug 7, 2007
  16. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    Yes, if it's not properly lined up the double layer has some
    questionable optical qualities.

    My only real complaint with the helmet is I seem to get a very faint
    draft near my left ear - I presume the seal on the flip front's not
    quite as luvverly as it was.
    Yeebok, Aug 7, 2007
  17. Yeebok

    Nev.. Guest

    I find that "a face full of bugs" and "the sort of atmospheric
    conditions which cause your visor to fog up" are usually mutually exclusive.

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Aug 7, 2007
  18. Yeebok

    will_s Guest

    it took 5 mins before the heater in the car made it nice :)

    for me, bikes are just pure fun and enjoyment
    will_s, Aug 7, 2007
  19. Yeebok

    Yeebok Guest

    I do now, but without it I'd get all steamed up very quickly.
    Yeebok, Aug 7, 2007
  20. Yeebok

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Gimme a break, it doesn't get cold anywhere in Oz. Try having to take your
    abttery inside to stop it from freezing. Winter in Ohio. Days when the max
    gets to 0ºC.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 7, 2007
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