
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Chris, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    thanks everyone who has made it possible for me to get my first bike thanx
    Chris, Jul 12, 2003
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  2. Chris

    Chris Guest

    thank you eveyone thank you!!!!!!
    Chris, Jul 12, 2003
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  3. Chris

    W Stiefer Guest

    Tell them Okies there are at least 3 Texians that aren't a-holes,would you?
    Nevermind,they might lock you up for your own protection.

    I lived in Del City for a year.Really nice tornados.One flattened everything
    in sight except my bike and the telephone pole it was leaning against.Quite
    polite,don't you agree?Even let me walk home to wait it out.

    If you ever run across Winston in a '67 Chevelle,tell him I said hi.
    HI WINSTON! Maybe he heard that.

    W Stiefer, Jul 13, 2003
  4. Chris

    Chris Guest

    yeah we have lots of tornadoes we had one this year, may 8th and it took the
    same path as may 3rd 1999
    Chris, Jul 13, 2003
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