Trip report for BJay, lol

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Vic, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Vic

    Vic Guest


    I'm taking your advice and posting a little ride report. I've posted it
    in another group as kind of a joke. It's all true, well, most of it, but the
    folks over there know that my riding consist mostly of 'day trips'. Most
    times not covering more then a couple hundred miles. They are hardly worth
    writeing up a trip report on. So, rather then bore everyone with one of
    those, I came up with this one, lol:
    The sky was dark and threatening, clouds were blowing in from the
    northwest. The forcast called for 'scattered thunder storms' all
    morning, but I wasn't a-sceered, I had a brand new rain suit tucked
    away in my saddle bag. No, nothing was going to stop me from making
    this 'run'.

    I sauntered out to the garage, eying the sky defiantlly. The wind was
    picking up a bit, but I was determined. A few drops of rain were not
    going to spoil my 'trip'. Entering the garage, I pressed the auto door
    opener, and watched as the light of day filled the dark garage. There,
    in it's usual place of rest, was my 1980 Suzuki GS 1100 L. All 108 HP,
    ready and waiting to take me to where ever my heart desired. It too,
    seemed to be scoffing at the weather.

    I slipped on my 'First Gear' mesh jacket, the one my wife thinks I
    look so 'buff' in, lol. Hey, who am I to argue with a woman with such
    obviouslly good taste? I did my 'walk around', checking the oil, and
    tire pressure. Yup, same as they were yesterday, every thing's good to
    go. I put on my gloves, rolled it off the center stand and on to the
    side stand. Finally, I swumg my leg over the mighty steed, trying hard
    not to kick the top box in the process. I really need to work on that,

    I pulled the choke lever out exactlly 3/8 of an inch, and pressed
    the start button. The engine came alive, rumbling at a cool 2500 rpm,
    before setteling into it's normal 1050 rpm idle as I slowly pressed the
    choke lever in. I adjusted my bi-focals, so I could see the gages
    without distortion, lol. Weather be damned, I was now ready to start my

    I toe-tapped my Suzuki into 1st gear and slowly rode out of the
    garage. Down the ally, and on to Center street. A right turn and a few
    humdred feet and I was at Graff Road. A left turn and about a quarter
    mile later I was at M-81. I was really rolling now, lol. A right turn
    on M-81, and I was ready to settle in for my 3 1/2 mile ride to VG's
    supermarket, lol. I squinted my eyes and applied a bit of 'bladder
    pressure' to see if a pit stop was going to be necessary at the gas
    station, but I was good to go. This was going to be a non-stop trip,

    Each 1/10 of a mile clicked off like clock work. I was 'cruisin'
    now. It seemed like only minutes, and I was pulling into the huge
    parking lot. I found a spot to park right next to the door, how lucky
    can I guy get?

    I won't bore you with the shopping, other then to mention that they
    had 'Honey Rock' catelope on sale for 99 cents each, they're in season
    up here now, lol.

    As I exited the store, I noticed the sky to the west (the direction
    I had to go), had turned nearly black, 'gulp'. I still wasn't a-skeered
    though, lol. It only took me a few seconds to load the groceries into
    the bags, and trunk. I skipped the 'walk-around' this time, and fired
    up that old bike, and headed for home. Needles to say the ride home was
    a bit 'brisker' then the ride to the store, lol.

    The road was empty, and straight. When I got it in 3rd gear I let
    loose most of the ponys in that 1100 cc, sixteen valve engine to get me
    up to 82 m/h, before double shifting into 5th gear. I was rolling now,
    lol! Didn't take long to make it home. The first drops of rain were
    just starting to fall as I pulled into the garage. I had once again
    defied mother nature, and had gotten away with it, lol. Another fine trip
    under my belt!!

    Best regards,

    Vic, Sep 27, 2005
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  2. Vic

    Wakko Guest

    My Ride Report - got there, saw some shit, got back.
    Wakko, Sep 27, 2005
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  3. Vic

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. lol.. you boys are cold blooded... The kid means well..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2005
  4. Vic

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Well, Vic, you wrote an outstanding, most interesting 15
    miles Bike Ride Report, I've ever read, on this here group!
    Your words and phrases leave me no choice but to extend my most
    sincere compliments. Well written, is what I am trying to say. (grin)..
    Done in such a friendly, humorus manner.
    Now to respond on a couple of your
    remarks, So, you have an old Bike, an 1980 Suzi. I like that. I would
    like to find about an 80-85 GL1000 Wing. I know where theres a 72
    Kiawsockit, 900. Stll thinking about IT!
    You mentioned your Suzi having uh center stand. I really miss
    having one. My Honda Shadow 750 cruiser doesnt', dogGoneIt.
    Does the little Lady, like to ride twoUp with ya.? Did you
    use to take some of the long haul Rides in the old days, your younger
    Vic, my son'N'Law, went on a trip with a fella, 82 years
    young. There were 4 of em', that rode to Colorada. The older gent, hung
    in there, on his 97 Wing. Randy said he, and another Wing rider, hooked
    em a few times, up to 100+, out in the western flats. Randy, said the
    older gent, did drop his Bike 3 or 4 times, when moving around, parking
    and stuff, But he said that Wing didnt fall far, because of the motor
    guards, and what not.
    Vic, appreciated you showing that you can come on here, by
    golly, and post some moto related stuff, Nice job.
    regards, BJAYkana

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Sep 27, 2005
  5. Vic

    Wakko Guest

    Bill, you know I could write a friggin book with my ride reports. I only got
    so much time and only want to write about the ones that were unusual or
    Wakko, Sep 27, 2005
  6. Vic

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. Who'd have the time to read that sucker on usenet.. LOL... Gives me
    a complex to think about it.. hmmm... Been missing you and bride lately..
    Take care of it, will ya'...

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2005
  7. Vic

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Vic and BJAY........My Ride Report - got there, saw some shit,
    got back.


    ‘‘wakko, brother, sheewahwah. that was a funnian! You left out
    the most important part, you didn't mention. starting that ole' Harley,
    and mounting up, hell, did, you even topOff the tank. (funnny!)
    (trophy needed here, for the shortest Bike Ride Report in the history of

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Sep 27, 2005
  8. Vic

    BJayKana Guest

    Say guys, let me tell ya, how this all could come together as a
    remarkable motorcycle related thread topic: Are ya ready???????
    AND that would be: Brian Walker actually responding to this post, like
    he's interested in having a thread going on here, that is about
    motorcycles. Like he knows the difference of one thread to another. I
    am risking the chance, that I, personally am contaminating this thread
    early on, by daring to say this. If so, I sincerly appologize, to Vic.
    The onTopic ball is in Brians court? We'll see. <bjay>
    BJayKana, Sep 27, 2005
  9. Vic

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. dude. You need to get off of Brian's ass.. don't you think.. Damn..
    WTF do you care if he's interested in this thread or not.? hmmm... You seem
    to have a tremendous problem with that old saw.. "don't start no shit and
    there won't be none"..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2005
  10. Vic

    Ruppster Guest

    Damn, Bill. I think you should have put a warning on that post! I
    think I need a new keyboard from the soda I was drink that is all over
    it now. I just about busted my gut from laughter. Talk about the
    biggest case of the pot calling the kettle black that I've ever seen.
    <sfsf> Thanks for making my day, Bill. <g>

    Ruppster, Sep 27, 2005
  11. Vic

    Bill Walker Guest

    I pass...
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2005
  12. Vic

    Iggy Guest

    Of course you "pass", Billy-boy. That, or you would have to use veiled
    threats and call him a "****" in true Walker fashion when you all get called
    on your bullshit.
    Iggy, Sep 27, 2005
  13. Vic

    Vic Guest

    ''Well, Vic, you wrote an outstanding, most interesting 15
    miles Bike Ride Report, I've ever read, on this here group!
    Your words and phrases leave me no choice but to extend my most
    sincere compliments. Well written, is what I am trying to say. (grin)..
    Done in such a friendly, humorus manner.
    Thanks, for your kind words BJay. As I mentioned, I wrote it a while back
    for another group as kind of a joke. I seldom take myself too seriously,
    lol. Glad you enjoyed it!

    BJay: Now to respond on a couple of your
    remarks, So, you have an old Bike, an 1980 Suzi. I like that. I would
    like to find about an 80-85 GL1000 Wing. I know where theres a 72
    Kiawsockit, 900. Stll thinking about IT!

    I love my old bike BJay. I picked it up for around $1200.00 a couple of
    years ago. It only had about 9,000 miles on it. I tinker with it a little
    bit, but for the most part it runs pretty decent.

    You mentioned your Suzi having uh center stand. I really miss
    having one. My Honda Shadow 750 cruiser doesnt', dogGoneIt.
    Does the little Lady, like to ride twoUp with ya.? Did you
    use to take some of the long haul Rides in the old days, your younger


    My wife will occasionally ride with me, but not like we used to do. Just day
    trips. We've both kind of noticed how much smaller motorcycle seats seem to
    be since we've gotten, err... 'more mature, lol. I did post a ride report
    over in Reeky a while back, about her and I going to the Casino over in Mt.
    Pleasant. If I can find it, I'll repost it over here.

    There was a time though when I could figure on at least two or three
    decent road trips a season. I was hopeing to make it to Texas this last
    summer, but that didn't work out. It's like I said, mostly day trips. Like
    this morning, a friend and I packed up the Metal Detectors, and rode up to
    Caseville. It's only about 45 miles up there, and it sits right on the
    Saginaw Bay. We did a bit of metal detecting on the beach, and then followed
    the shoreline southwest until we got to Unionville. Stopping along the way
    to check out the beaches and small roadside parks. I just got home a little
    while ago, with plenty of time to finish this, and start supper, lol. All in
    all, it was only about 130 miles, but it was still an enjoyable day.


    Vic, my son'N'Law, went on a trip with a fella, 82 years
    young. There were 4 of em', that rode to Colorada. The older gent, hung
    in there, on his 97 Wing. Randy said he, and another Wing rider, hooked
    em a few times, up to 100+, out in the western flats. Randy, said the
    older gent, did drop his Bike 3 or 4 times, when moving around, parking
    and stuff, But he said that Wing didnt fall far, because of the motor
    guards, and what not.
    Sounds like they all had a good time. Maybe that older fella might want to
    concider a small bike though. Hopefully he wasn't hurt?
    Vic, appreciated you showing that you can come on here, by
    golly, and post some moto related stuff, Nice job.
    regards, BJAYkana

    Glad you enjoyed it BJay. Most of the riding I do would probably make for
    some very boreing reading. I'll let those who have something a bit more
    exciting to tell, handle the 'trip reports', lol.
    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--

    You too BJay, have a good one!!

    Vic, Sep 27, 2005
  14. Vic

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Bill, you know I could write a friggin book with my ride
    reports. I only got so much time and only want to write about the ones
    that were unusual or exceptional.


    ‘‘well, I do declare! Been comin' on this group a year,and am
    still learning stuff!
    So, that's the key, to get you terds to respond to one of mine, I need
    to embellish my report more, okay’’
    I was under the impression, that when one of us fairly regular TM
    contributors, post a little ole ride, say, like to Hot Springs, that
    others, might say, okay, sounds like ya had a nice time there old bowie
    county redneck Bjay SOB.. Ya' live and learn on these public forums. Are
    you listening VIC? I rectum, you and ruppster just hit us with a Bike
    report at the right time of the month, and ya'll musta' known to
    embellish it!! (kidding, yall)
    (bjay of bowie county)
    BJayKana, Sep 28, 2005
  15. Vic

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Say guys, let me tell ya, how this all could come together as
    a remarkable motorcycle related thread topic: Are ya ready??????? AND
    that would be:   Brian Walker actually responding to this post, like
    he's interested in having a thread going on here, that is about
    motorcycles. Like he knows the difference of one thread to another. I am
    risking the chance, that I, personally am contaminating this thread
    early on, by daring to say this. If so, I sincerly appologize, to Vic.
    The onTopic ball is in Brians court? We'll see. <bjay>\

    To BJAY,
    Sheesh.. dude. You need to get off of Brian's ass.. don't you think..
    Damn.. WTF do you care if he's interested in this thread or not.?
    hmmm... You seem to have a tremendous problem with that old saw.. "don't
    start no shit and there won't be none"..
    Bill Walker

    ‘‘Bill, I think Brian can handle me, I told you he's better
    than I am. But, really, I would be surprised if Brian even comes on this
    thread atall, let alone say something worth while about the topic of
    this thread! You barely, barely did.
    What's wrong, when a grown man, that supposedly enjoys riding a
    motorcycle, and comes on a Bike NG, but seems to mainly like to argue
    and fuss, 94% of the time. Odd, to me. I take pride in knowing when to
    respond like a gentleman on one thread, but on another one, annoy,
    confront, argue,irritate,disagree,be contridictive,contriversal, be
    biased, and yes fuss like hell, when it suits me. It's fun!
    whatChaThink? why doncha try it, just one time, tell ole vic, or old
    ruppster, how ya enjoyed their bike stuff, and tell em a little about
    your biking stuff. come on
    BJayKana, Sep 28, 2005
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