Trip report

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Clifford Wilkes, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. I had a short trip last week to New Mexico. A friend had a business
    appointment in Silver City so we trailered our bikes there thanks to
    Steve Rothstein's kind offer to loan his trailer. (BTW, the trailer
    worked really well carrying a BMW R1100GS and my Triumph Tiger.)

    After bidness we did a loop of the lower forest area. We took 180 north
    from Silver City and then cut over on 12. That part was in the
    mountains with lots of turns tall trees. We were able to keep the speed
    up and didn't have to deal with too much traffic. We spent the night in
    a campground on Apache Creek. Late at night it sounded like someone on
    the highway hit a deer or elk. That was followed by a gunshot and then
    later the cops and an ambulance.

    In the morning we went over to Highway 60 to the VLA. From there we
    took 52 which was 50 miles of graded dirt. This is where my buddy had
    his fun and I got acid reflux. A heavy, pseudo-offroad bike with 40 lbs
    of gear on top is not my idea of how to enjoy a dirt road. The part of
    52 that was paved which went to TRC (Truth or Consequences to the
    uninitiated) was really fun.

    After lunch in TRC we took 152(?) back to Silver City. There was 20-30
    miles of tight, mountain switchbacks. When we got to the top and paused
    I checked my tires and the rear had obviously been stressed to or beyond
    its limit. We fell in behind three Harleys with two squids each. It
    was at this point that the sky opened up and we got drenched and hailed
    on. Lots of fun when you're going downhill on twisties. But once out
    of the rain we dried in nothing flat.

    All in all an interesting trip. And again, many thanks to Steve for the
    loan of his trailer. Final score: 400 scooter miles with no tickets,
    accidents or lasting scars

    Cliff Wilkes
    Clifford Wilkes, Jul 15, 2003
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  2. Sunny wrote:
    [-- big snip --]
    I only took about half-a-dozen pictures with my cheapo digital camera.
    I've got to work on them a little before they're viewable. Stay tuned.
    While we didn't suffer any direct ill effects from the fires in Arizona
    and New Mexico you could sure see and smell the smoke.


    Labor exists without management.
    Management cannot exist without labor.
    Clifford Wilkes, Jul 16, 2003
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