UK Chip and Pin and French Petrol staions

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by YTC#1, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    Leclerc, Epinal, Card only pumps,worked fine, accepted PIN, handed out

    Two happy bunnies :)

    Things are looking up for Sunday biking in France :)
    YTC#1, Aug 7, 2006
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  2. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    Look, I spotted it, so just shut up eh ! :)
    YTC#1, Aug 7, 2006
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  3. It seems to depend on the physical card reader device device being used
    rather than the company itself. At a supermarket near me (Champion), the
    tills inside take a PIN with a UK debit card, but the till at the pumps
    and the card only pump won't. This can be a bit of a pain.

    Mark Clements, Aug 7, 2006
  4. Aye, same for me, tills at Carrefour are OK with both my Barclays Visa Debit
    Card and Barclays Company Credit Card, but the unmanned pumps still don't
    take either.
    Brownz \(mobile\), Aug 8, 2006
  5. YTC#1

    Cab Guest

    Spotted what?

    Coming to Paris, are you?
    Cab, Aug 8, 2006
  6. YTC#1

    Ace Guest

    Which reminds me - you didn't even say you were passing - could of at
    least stopped off for a drink, or lunch and a swim. You'd have been
    within 15 minutes of the house.
    ****. Roads'll be full of fucking furriners now
    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Aug 8, 2006
  7. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    Yer, sorry, we were working on very loose plans of not really knowing
    where we would start and end each day, as it was we did not think we would
    be stopping in Switzerland (as it turned out we stayed for 2 nights over
    by Santis.
    And then you could have educated me in how to use Swiss roads.

    Maybe next time.
    Got to share them around, there are so many good roads still to do there,
    I particularly liked the Vosages
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  8. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    The missing T in he subject line.
    Not this year mate.
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  9. YTC#1

    SD Guest

    <slap, slap, slap, slap>

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/CBX1000Z
    |_\_____/_| ..81750../..22169.../..31893.
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 WG*
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 PM#5
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4 YTC#4 two#11
    '^' RBR Clues: 23 Pts: 440 Miles:1738
    SD, Aug 8, 2006
  10. YTC#1

    Ace Guest

    <checks original>

    <joins in slapping>

    **** noes how that happened.
    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Aug 8, 2006
  11. YTC#1

    Ace Guest

    Hey no worries. Feel free to pop by another time.
    Aye. Some of my all-time favourites, and just an hour away. Every time
    I go up there I find still moe brilliant roads. The Black Forest, on
    the other side of the Rhine valley, is also extremely good.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Aug 8, 2006
  12. YTC#1

    Cab Guest

    Ah well, I fancied a beer. I'll have to drink one without you then, I
    suppose. :)
    Cab, Aug 8, 2006
  13. Come to think of it, even with a Visa card from a French bank the
    unmanned pumps take a seriously long time (is probably not much more
    than a minute, but it seems a lot longer, especially compared to how
    long it takes at eg manned tills or on the autoroute) to decide whether
    they are going to accept your card or not. The lcd says something like
    "call in progress", so perhaps it is making an external call to a
    clearing centre rather than being linked into the supermarket's network
    directly, which presumably has faster links to the outside world. It
    still shouldn't take *that* long.

    Dull, me?

    Mark Clements, Aug 8, 2006
  14. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    Something to celebrate ?
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  15. YTC#1

    Cab Guest

    YTC#1 wrote:

    Well, I've not yet had the time to wet the baby's head.
    Cab, Aug 8, 2006
  16. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    We were going to cross back to Germany, but it was hot, there were queues
    at the border so we didn't bother.

    Strange though, no queues to get in and out at Lichenstein (sp) and
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  17. YTC#1

    Ace Guest

    Of course, if you'd had a chance to speak to a local you'd have found
    out all the best ways to get around without waiting in sodding queues
    on motorway border crossing ;-)
    It's the krauts, mainly, that cause problems. Dunno why, but they do
    seem to have a greater proportion of manned crossings, and to stop a
    higher proportion of vehicles at them, than do the French.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, Aug 8, 2006
  18. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    I was angling to see if I had missed something :)

    Congrats, now worry about the next 18 years, and then the Uni years after
    that :)
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  19. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    If we did stop and look at a map, a local would spring out to our aid,
    they must know how hard the signage is :)
    Thats fine then, stuff the Krauts !
    YTC#1, Aug 8, 2006
  20. YTC#1

    Cab Guest

    I thought you knew? I'll drop you a line.
    Cab, Aug 8, 2006
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