UKRM meet come to blows?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nige, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Nige

    Eiron Guest

    Someone fell asleep outside a tent, then woke up feeling ill
    so he unzipped the door, put his head inside and threw up.
    It probably never happened as it was a FOAF at a rally.
    Eiron, Jun 6, 2011
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  2. Nige

    boots Guest

    Yep that was me, did the ankle slipping on a wet jetty wearing a 2x12
    boots, Jun 6, 2011
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  3. Nige

    des Guest

    So I'm told.

    'I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World
    War IV will be fought with sticks and stones'
    (Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955))
    des, Jun 6, 2011
  4. Dirty old man.....
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 6, 2011
  5. Nige

    Beav Guest

    It didn't work.
    Beav, Jun 6, 2011
  6. Nige

    Lozzo Guest


    Robbo was drunk, obnoxiously drunk and not for the first time. He was
    using language in the bar area of the Black Horse that other customers
    were visibly offended by. I asked him politely to tone it down and was
    very loudly told to "shut the **** up you short arsed spic ****". I
    left it at the time as I didn't want him kicking off again and possibly
    getting us all banned.

    When the time came to organise the following OSM I simply invoked the
    "No Cunts Rule". I'd mentioned it in every OSM organising post prior to
    that and said that if anyone acts the **** then they can stay the ****
    away. Robbo had acted the **** and consequently got exactly what I said
    would happen.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jun 6, 2011
  7. Nige

    Lozzo Guest

    I'm actually 5' 8" and Des seems to forget that he's the paedophile who
    lusted after a 15 year old's tits on ukrm - now who's the "real classy

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jun 6, 2011
  8. Nige

    Guest Guest

    Ahh, the old "add beer; instant arsehole" type thing.

    I didn't really know the chap. No great loss I guess.
    Guest, Jun 6, 2011
  9. Nige

    Hog. Guest

    It was particularly bad manners as he was staying with M who worked there
    and knew all the regulars
    Hog., Jun 6, 2011
  10. Nige

    Hog. Guest

    Point of order.
    Who hasn't lusted after 15 y/o teen titties.
    Hog., Jun 6, 2011
  11. Nige

    des Guest


    Played for.

    And got.

    'Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid
    individuals in circulation'
    (Carlo M. Cipolla (1922 - 2000))
    des, Jun 6, 2011
  12. Wotcha.
    Tun Rally - 1984.
    Mick Billingham, who was a club member at the time, did just that.
    He was too pissed to crawl back to his tent so we dragged him back and left
    him curled up in the porch area at the front of his tent. Mike woke up and
    rather than throw up in the tent he undid the zip . . . . sadly it was the
    wrong zip . . . .instead of hurling on the grass, he puked into his own
    Next morning he just rolled the tent up and bungeed it across the back of
    his bike, and there it sat gently oozing puke out of each end . . . . . . no
    one wanted to ride behind him.
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Jun 6, 2011
  13. Nige

    Lozzo Guest

    No Des, you were hoping I'd repeat the threat.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jun 6, 2011
  14. Nige

    Tosspot Guest

    Chirst, I'd forgotten him as well! We don't get the class of troll we
    used to.
    Tosspot, Jun 6, 2011
  15. Nige

    Tosspot Guest

    13. Never having been married cut me down by one :-(

    Also skipped "Revocation of conditional release" cos I didn't know what
    it meant.
    Tosspot, Jun 6, 2011
  16. Nige

    des Guest

    No, Laurie. I wasn't.

    Hope this helps.

    'The death penalty can be tolerated only be extreme statist
    reactionaries, who demand a state so powerful that it has the right to
    (Noam Chomsky (1928 - ))
    des, Jun 6, 2011
  17. Nige

    des Guest

    Mine was question 3. - 'impulsiveness'.

    '... the Palestinian leadership is not, and has never been, eager for
    any compromise resolution. Instead, its top priority has been total
    victory, possession of the entire land, with Israel's disappearing from
    the map'.
    (Barry Rubin)
    des, Jun 6, 2011
  18. Nige

    Borg Guest

    If their feet touch the floor when they're having a shit.
    Borg, Jun 6, 2011
  19. Nige

    Beav Guest

    As much as I like Cal Crutchlow, I don't see how he's doing any better in
    his rookie year than Toseland did in his. At the end of this season, let's
    see how far up the list he is and see if he gets any higher (6th overall)
    than Toseland
    Nothing ever is until the end of the season.
    Beav, Jun 7, 2011
  20. Nige

    Beav Guest

    Well *that* conjured up an image, I can tell you :)
    Beav, Jun 7, 2011
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