Yamaha XJ 550 Maxim carburetor issue

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by demonteacher, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. demonteacher

    demonteacher Guest

    I've been reading through the posts with the fellow having issues with
    his XJ 650 carbs, and it sounded terribly familiar. I've got an '81
    XJ 550 Maxim with a sick carb and wouldn't mind a pointer if anyone
    out there can help.

    So far: 1. the carbs have been cleaned (as in torn down, soaked and
    all passages blown clean with an air hose)
    2. the carbs have been synchronized using a mercury gauge
    at my local motorcycle shop

    Problem: Boggy and sloppy at the bottom end. You have to gun it up
    to 6000-7000 rpms to get it to go on a red light or stop sign after
    it's been running for a while, with about an even chance of it
    stalling in the middle of the intersection in front of that big scary

    When I pull the plugs, they're pretty carboned up, which the
    troubleshooting guide in my manual suggests means that it's running
    too rich. The fact that it positively sucks gas seems to back this
    theory up.

    Anyone know how to adjust this carb so that it doesn't run so rich?

    Mike Breaton
    demonteacher, Jun 21, 2007
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  2. demonteacher

    demonteacher Guest

    Whew. That's going to take me a minute to digest. I admit that I was
    in a bit of trouble by the time I read "sprue", but the rest of it
    seems workable for a shade tree guy like me. :) Thanks
    Albrecht...I'll try it and report back.
    demonteacher, Jun 21, 2007
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  3. demonteacher

    demonteacher Guest

    Heh. Now that's something I didn't know. Cool. :)
    demonteacher, Jun 22, 2007
  4. demonteacher

    donotemailme Guest

    Hey, that's me! Thanks to Albrecht, I got the courage to clean out my
    carbs, and the bike is much better off now, although I'm still having
    some minor issues getting it to stop running rich, and tonight I'm
    going to follow Albrecht's description of setting the idle mixture
    screws, found in this thread. Thanks again, Albrecht.

    By the way, another great resource for help with your XJ bike is the
    XJ Owners mailing list at http://www.micapeak.com/mailman/listinfo/xj-owners.

    donotemailme, Jun 28, 2007
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